Health Problems Caused By Mold

Moisture leads to mold in the house. In addition, it can cause damage to structures and can also trigger health problems.
Health problems caused by mold

The presence of mold in the house causes problems that could overcome the structural damage. The smell and stains on the walls and ceiling are very annoying. In fact, this type of fungus can become the cause of many diseases in the long run. In this article, we will discuss the main health problems caused by mold.

According to information published by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, exposure to humid and moldy environments leads to allergies and respiratory failure in some people. It can also trigger a seizure in people with asthma.

What exactly is mold?

As I said above, this is a type of fungus that grows both indoors and outdoors. It usually occurs in areas with high humidity, such as roofs or leaking walls, pipes, or any place where there is frequent contact with liquids.

Mold also grows on cardboard elements, wood products, drywall, carpets and paint. The spores float and spread easily through the air. Mold thrives and grows if the environment is warm and humid.

According to an article in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives, there are about 500 species of fungi that are harmful to human health. However, the most common types of mold that occur indoors are Cladosporium, Penicillium and Aspergillus.

Inspector checking a house
Checking for wet areas is essential to get rid of mold.

Types of mold

How does mold get into the house?

Mold spores are present both inside and outside, but are not visible to the naked eye. In both cases, they enter the house through windows, open doors, ventilation ducts or air conditioning and heating systems.

They can also stick to objects, such as clothing and footwear, and then sneak inside with the person wearing them. Moreover, they often stick to the pet’s fur. Mold will develop only if there are adequate humidity conditions inside the house; otherwise, it will not cause problems.

Health problems caused by mold

The growth of mold in the house can aggravate the symptoms of any allergic person. Specifically, mold triggers symptoms such as nasal congestion, itchy nose and throat, sneezing, tearing of the eyes and excess mucus.

Also, early exposure to mold or moisture appears to increase the risk of asthma and rhinitis, according to a study published in the journal Allergy.

Doctor treating health problems caused by mold
Aspergillosis is a serious lung disease caused by mold fungi and requires immediate medical attention.

How to prevent the main health problems caused by mold

Consulting a doctor is important when there is mold in the house

Exposure to mold does not always cause health problems. However, the best preventive measure is to prevent it altogether. C onsultă a doctor if you have symptoms of allergies or respiratory failure. You should not ignore them, as they could lead to serious complications.

Keep in mind that mold is not always the cause of disease, but it can aggravate pre-existing conditions. Therefore, you should follow the recommendations of the specialist to solve any problems caused by moisture as soon as possible.

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