Learn How To Clean The House With Vinegar

Not only is it a cleaning solution that does not attack the environment because it does not contain chemicals or other toxins, but it also helps you save money. Vinegar is useful for many aspects of daily life.
Find out how you can clean the house with vinegar

Vinegar  is indispensable in salads and other dishes, but it is also a cleaning solution for your home. If you did not know, this liquid with a unique smell, will keep your home bright and clean. Learn from this article how to clean your house with vinegar.

Why clean the house with vinegar?

Vinegar is an organic product that does not cause allergies or irritations and it is very likely that you already have it in the kitchen. Here are some ideas for using vinegar in cleaning:

  • Cleans and disinfects all surfaces: wood, ceramics, glass and others. Mix cold water with vinegar. If you use vinegar to clean windows, I recommend changing the cloth or paper to wipe the windows with newspaper.
  • The results are incredible for glass surfaces if you use vinegar in combination with newsprint. Vinegar mixed with cold water is also suitable for disinfection of sanitary installations in the bathroom.
Clean the house with vinegar and pots
  • Remove the limescale from the shower and tap: unscrew the shower heads and place them in a bowl of water and vinegar for two hours. After they have been in the vinegar water for two hours, you need to rinse them well. You may need to rub them with a sponge or brush if the stains are very old.
  • Clean CDs or DVDs: They are generally very vulnerable when it comes to scratches. With a cloth soaked in vinegar, gently wipe the surface the player is reading. You will see how quickly the scratches disappear.
  • Remove limescale from coffee filter or kettle. From repeated boiling of water, limestone settles on the walls and bottom of the vessel. To remove the limescale, fill the bowl with water and vinegar. Bring to the boil for a few minutes and rinse the container with water.
Clean the house with vinegar and sink

Useful tips on how to clean your house with vinegar

  • Eliminate unpleasant odors and clean the house with vinegar. Fill a bottle with water and add a few drops of vinegar. Leave the bottle in the room, without a stopper, until the unpleasant smell disappears. This solution is also suitable for freshly painted rooms. The water must be changed every 12 hours for at least three days.
  • It smells like the fridge. As in the case above, you need to put a small bowl of water and vinegar in the refrigerator. Or, when cleaning it, put a few drops on the drawers, door, grills.
  • Removes rust. If you want to remove rust from the bicycle, can opener or other kitchen items that are made of metal, use vinegar. Let the object soak for 24 hours.
  • Clean the water marks on the wood. If you have a wooden table with traces of water on glasses or cups, mix equal parts of olive oil and vinegar. Clean the surface with this mixture and a cloth.
  • Remove stickers or labels. It can be a sticker pasted by the child on the backpack or the packaging of a jar, etc. Dampen the space you want to clean with vinegar and wait. After a few minutes it will come off the desired surface without the need to rub.
Clean the house with vinegar and stickers
  • Get rid of unpleasant odors from sinks or tubs. It can get rid of unpleasant odors coming from the sewer and prevent clogging. First put baking soda in the sink, then add half a cup of vinegar. Cover the drain for 15 minutes, then turn on the tap with cold water.
  • Disinfects fruits and vegetables. Put the vegetables or fruits in a bowl full of water to which you add a little vinegar. Leave it like this for 10 minutes. It can be a solution to disinfect everything you eat raw.
Clean the house with vinegar and eliminate unpleasant odors

You can clean the house with vinegar and more

  • Eliminates the unpleasant smell of tobacco from clothes. Add two cups of vinegar to the tub and fill with warm water. Hang your clothes over the steam coming out of the water.
  • If you didn’t know, vinegar has another use for clothes. It keeps their colors. Before washing dark clothes, soak them in vinegar for half an hour. Vinegar can be added directly to the washing machine to make clothes soft.
  • Removes wine stains  (same day only). Soak the clothes with vinegar for a few minutes before washing them. Works for cotton and polyester clothes, if used within 24 hours of staining.
  • Cleans unpleasant garbage odors. If you have a common garbage slide on the stairwell, you most likely know what a bad smell emanates, especially in summer. All you have to do is pour a little vinegar or cubes made of vinegar.
  • Clean the dishwasher. This appliance usually smells bad because it collects food debris in the drain. Put a cup of vinegar in the dishwashing detergent compartment and start the shortest dish without dishes inside.
  • Eliminates unpleasant odors from the kitchen. If you cook fish, boil cauliflower or cook meat on the grill, you can get rid of odors in minutes.
  • Clean pots and pans. Let them soak in undiluted vinegar for half an hour. Then wash with dishwashing detergent and shine with a soft cloth soaked in a little vinegar.

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