Lose Weight With Lemon Eggplant Water

Eating eggplant not only helps you to thin your waist and get rid of extra pounds, but also provides the body with many nutrients, vitamins, fiber and minerals necessary for its optimal functioning.
Lose weight with lemon eggplant water

Many describe it as “miraculous water. It is a recipe that not only helps you lose weight, but also gives you energy. We know the extraordinary health benefits of eggplant. But did you know that if you combine eggplant water with lemon, you will multiply all these wonderful properties?

How does eggplant water help to lose weight? What are its benefits?

Eggplant water is useful for weight loss

The benefits are many, no doubt. Eggplant water not only helps you to thin your waist and get rid of extra pounds, but also provides the body with many nutrients, vitamins, fiber and minerals necessary for its optimal functioning. Let’s see what are the other benefits of eggplant:

  • Eating eggplant helps to improve circulation due to the content of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that prevents heart disease and stimulates blood circulation.
  • It is an excellent diuretic.
  • Eggplants contain few calories and a lot of water, being an excellent food to be added to any diet.
  • The high potassium content contributes to the health of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  • Eggplant cleanses the body and lowers blood sugar, being very beneficial for people with diabetes.
  • It lowers bad cholesterol, absorbing fats from the foods you eat, eliminates toxins and regulates digestion.
  • Eggplants are rich in fiber, thus preventing constipation.
  • Stimulates bile production and protects the liver.
  • Eggplant is rich in iron and magnesium, being ideal for preventing anemia, improves heart and muscle function and strengthens the immune system.

How do I lose weight with eggplant and lemon water?

Eggplant and lemon water is useful for weight loss

The best way to lose weight by eating eggplant and lemon is with water. Eggplant water with lemon is very easy to prepare, so let’s get to work:

1. What do I need?

  • A medium-sized eggplant, and if it is organic, all the better, because we have the certainty that it is completely natural and that it has not been treated with various dangerous pesticides.
  • A medium-sized lemon, not overcooked.
  • One liter of water.
  • A glass carafe.

2. How do I prepare it?

  • First of all, you need to clean the eggplant very well. Wash it with a little apple cider vinegar and baking soda to remove all toxic substances and traces of pesticides. Rinse it well with plenty of cold water.
  • Cut the eggplant into one-centimeter-thick slices, without peeling it.
  • Add the eggplant slices to the carafe, placing them on top of each other, then fill the bowl with water.
  • Add the juice from a lemon, mix well with a wooden spoon and put the carafe in the fridge.
  • Let it sit in the fridge overnight, so that the water absorbs the juices and properties of the eggplant, which are amplified due to the lemon, which in addition gives the dish a fresh and invigorating taste.

3. How to consume eggplant and lemon water to lose weight

How to consume eggplant water with lemon for weight loss

Drink eggplant and lemon water throughout the day. Here is an example of a simple diet that you can follow :

  • Breakfast : A glass of eggplant and lemon water, a cup of oatmeal and an apple.
  • Lunch : Drink a glass of eggplant water before meals, and then eat a salad with spinach, nuts, skim cheese and pieces of pineapple.
  • Afternoon : Drink a glass of eggplant water.
  • Dinner : Drink a glass of eggplant water, and then eat as an appetizer a salad of chopped lettuce, cherry tomatoes, papaya, walnuts, olive oil and a little lemon juice, and the main course some artichokes boiled and sprinkled with a little olive oil. olives and vinegar.

Following the simple diet proposed above, you manage to drink the whole liter of eggplant and lemon water. Consumed before a meal, this liquid will make you feel fuller and will help your stomach digest and eliminate fats, improving the digestive process and cleansing the body.

Remember that there is no miracle diet that does not require willpower and physical activity. Therefore, you need to exercise at least one hour a day; walking or cycling or a few simple exercises done at home can be very helpful. Your body is worth the effort.

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