Marine Muscle: Nutrients, Possible Benefits And Recommendations

Marine or Irish muscle has become popular thanks to its interesting nutritional value. What properties are attributed to it?
Marine muscle: nutrients, possible benefits and recommendations

Marine mussel or Irish mussel (Chondrus crispus) is a type of algae whose main habitat is the Atlantic coast. It shares many features with the rest of the seaweed, such as kombu or clouds.

It can be found in different colors, but the one that is most often consumed is red. In addition, from a commercial point of view, it has long been used in the food and cosmetics industry as a thickening agent and nutritional supplement.

Its growing popularity is related to some of the benefits that scientists have discovered. It is associated with weight loss, increased energy and increased muscle mass. Want to know more about its properties?

Nutrients from marine muscle

In general, algae contain a wide variety of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals. They are light, high in fiber and quite low in protein and fat. In the case of dried raw marine muscle, each 10 grams provides the following:

  • Energy: 50 kilocalories
  • Water: 81.3 grams
  • Protein: 1.5 grams
  • Lipids: 0.16 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 12.3 grams
  • Fiber: 1.3 grams
  • Iron: 8.9 milligrams
  • Magnesium: 144 milligrams
  • Zinc: 1.95 milligrams
  • Copper: 0.149 milligrams

The presence of antioxidants is also high. However, it should be noted that algae are consumed in small quantities, so 100 grams of product is a large portion. In the case of Irish muscle, a spoonful or two a day is enough.

Dry marine muscle

Possible health benefits

Most people who use Irish muscle do so in search of positive health effects. In recent years, there has been some scientific evidence of this. Even so, it is necessary to emphasize that many are derived from the consumption of algae in general. Therefore, more research is needed. Its main effects are as follows:

  • It provides fiber, which has a prebiotic effect that improves the health of the intestinal microbiota. The latter is related to the proper functioning of the immune system. Some studies on salmon and mice link ingestion of marine muscle with a better immune response.
  • Seaweed helps to lose body weight and improve metabolic markers. This was determined by animal studies, so it is necessary to perform human studies as well.
  • As a nutritional supplement, Irish muscle can be used for recovery after exercise. It is said to help relieve fatigue and muscle aches.
  • Its vitamins and antioxidants allow the skin to regenerate, nourish and hydrate. For this, you can use it both internally and externally.
  • Consumption of sea muscle provides health benefits. Similarly, the use of extracts with pharmaceutical functions has been studied. This is the case of an investigation published in the journal Marine Drugs , which concluded that “Chondrus crispus extract has neuroprotective activity” . Protection against Parkinson’s disease markers has also been discovered.

Marine muscle: risks and side effects

Seaweed is considered a safe food. However, there are a few things that should be considered before introducing them into the diet.

On the one hand, there is the possibility of excessive iodine intake. This situation can lead to some problems, such as inflammation or thyroid cancer. To avoid this, it is enough not to exceed the recommended daily dose.

On the other hand, there is a risk of contamination with heavy metals. Marine plants can accumulate these harmful compounds found in the environment. However, at this time, the risk of toxicity to algae appears to be low.

How to consume marine muscle

At the food level, getting acquainted with Irish muscle is quite simple, as it can be added to almost all your favorite recipes. In fact, it is used in dry and raw form. Then it is turned into a liquid or gel and added to the desired dishes.

To prepare this gel, it is necessary to immerse the algae in water for a few hours (or a whole night). Subsequently, they must be rinsed and mixed again with water. Finally, cover the dish and refrigerate for a few hours.

Some of the dishes you can add Irish muscle to are smoothies, yoghurts or oatmeal porridge. It is also possible to include it in rice dishes, stews, soups and all kinds of sauces.

The gelled muscle is stored well for about 5 days in the refrigerator. If the sea smell is annoying, soak the seaweed in lime water for a few minutes.

Beyond cooking, some companies sell it as a food supplement. The types of presentation are varied: gel, liquid, powder or capsules. Sometimes it is combined with other ingredients to increase its medicinal properties.

Marine muscle included in culinary preparations

Marine muscle: conclusion

Many of the edible seaweeds are foods with a high nutritional value. However, despite their composition and health-beneficial properties, it is not recommended to abuse.

Ideally, consume them from time to time or add them in small amounts to your daily diet. In addition, before taking any dietary supplement or if you have any questions, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

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