My Generation Says Please And Thank You

In addition to being a simple act of politeness, saying “please” and “thank you” is a way to show respect for those around you, this gesture having a positive impact on both sides. 
My generation says please and thank you

To be part of the generation that says please and thank you means to have some values ​​that go beyond simple politeness. It means that you respect and treat those around you as you would like to be treated.

Many say that these polite habits are on the verge of extinction.

Maybe our lives are so busy that we don’t have time for a simple “please”. Or maybe out of a desire to give everything to our children, they have come to consider that everything is right for them and they are no longer able to appreciate certain things.

We must not generalize and say that the new generation has completely given up this habit. But we can say that “please” and “thank you” are free words, they cost nothing, but they have a huge value. 

“Please” and “thank you”: two values ​​worth instilling

Curiously, most of us know how to say “thank you” in different languages: thanks, grazie, merci, gracias, danke, obligado, evgaristo, spasiba, arigato, shokran. .. And yet we forget to address this word to those close to us.

We often forget to say “please” and “thank” parents, partners, friends or children because we think it makes no sense, that they understand that we love them. This thinking is not correct. Why? Believe it or not, please and thank you are not just strings of letters.

These words have a direct connection with our emotions,  becoming basic words in our language, without which we could not cope.

Please and thank you are more than formulas of politeness

The healing power of gratitude

Something as simple as expressing gratitude can cause significant changes in your soul and in the environment in which you live. According to a study published in the Harvard Gazette, by doing this we can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Saying “thank you” is a gesture of gratitude that gives the receiver a sense of security and well-being.
  • Others feel encouraged and happy to receive thanks for their actions. This also positively affects the person who has expressed gratitude.
  • The fact that you often receive thanks from people close to you increases your self-esteem and triggers the “gratitude effect.”

For example, children who are educated at home and who are instilled with the value of gratitude will retain this habit during their studies, in their relationships with teachers and colleagues.

The importance of a “please” in society

“Please” are two simple words we don’t hear as often as “thank you.” The reason is generally the belief that there is no need to say “please” before asking for something.

It’s amazing how adding this simple formula to the sentence completely changes his emotional charge. Consider the following simple examples…

  • “Move your car.” ⇒ “Please, could you move your car?”
  • “Give me the pepper.” ⇒ “Can you give me the pepper, please?”
  • “Buy me a newspaper when you come home.” ⇒ “Will you buy me a newspaper, please, when you come home?”

“Please” is not just an act of politeness. It is a way to show respect for another person. This habit should be practiced every day.

  • The formula “please” reflects the attention and care of a person who will do something that makes us happy or that helps us.
  • We must not assume that a person will do something simply because we want or ask for it.

This simple gesture ennobles us and connects us to the person we interact with. A “please” helps us to prove that we value and respect it. In addition, we give him the freedom to accept or reject our request.

Please and thank you are beautiful words in any language

Please and thank you: nice words in any language

We must not forget a very important fact: our heritage as human beings has its origins in this social mentality which is governed, above all, by the power of emotions.

  • The emotions that connect us to those around us have allowed us to develop verbal language. We discovered a way to communicate in order to understand each other, to educate ourselves, to create communities, to hunt, to organize and to evolve.
  • Through this method of communication, the value of the words “please” and “thank you” reflects the fact that we respect other human beings and give them importance. In this way, we encourage coexistence and freedom.

Thanks to a person, we honor her. If we tell him “please”, we give him the freedom to choose and our respect, things that favor both sides.

There is nothing more uplifting than doing good, seeing a stranger smiling at you and saying those magic words that will never be out of date.

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