Natural Remedies For Freckles And Their Use

Although these treatments can be applied at any time of the day, it is best to do so in the evening, as sun exposure can lead to more freckles. 
Natural remedies for freckles and their use

When we are children, freckles are cute and age-specific. But in adulthood they age our face and can even be dangerous if they change their appearance. In this article we present you some natural remedies for freckles that you can use to clean your facial skin without facing side effects.

Natural remedies for freckles

There are many skin whitening creams and chemical scrubs that remove freckles. However, these products can be harsh on the skin and damage it in the long run.

Other popular methods of removing freckles are laser therapy and cryotherapy. If you intend to use them, we recommend that you seek the opinion of a dermatologist.

Below we present a series of 100% natural methods to gradually eliminate freckles.

Natural remedies for freckles on the face

Alarm signals

Freckles and skin blemishes are generally an aesthetic issue. But we must be careful if they change their shape, size, color  or if they cause pain or discomfort to the touch. In this case, you should not apply any remedy, but go to the dermatologist as soon as possible.

People with a very light skin or those who are prone to freckles, but also those who are frequently exposed to solar radiation are at a higher risk.

The first step is prevention

The best remedy to treat freckles is to avoid the factors that cause them.

  • Excessive sun exposure: Always use a sunscreen suitable for your skin, a hat and sunglasses if necessary. In addition, avoid sitting in the sun during lunch.
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy: During pregnancy, the appearance of freckles is a normal phenomenon due to excess melanin. In some cases, freckles disappear after birth.
  • Use of oral contraceptives: These in turn alter the hormonal balance, but freckles generally disappear after treatment.
  • Chronic acne: Scars left by chronic acne can lead to freckles if not treated properly.
  • Aging: Lack of nutrients, dry skin, exposure to climate change and internal diseases can affect the health and appearance of the skin over time.
Natural remedies for freckles on the hands

Natural remedies for lemon freckles

Lemon is used in many skin blemish creams due to its content of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Apply fresh lemon juice on freckles and stains with a piece of cotton wool. You can also rub the skin with the inside of the shell. Allow the juice to dry on the skin.

Natural remedies for lemon freckles

Rosehips even out the skin tone

Rosehip oil is the best remedy for even skin tone, being ideal for both dark and light spots. Apply the pure and undiluted oil directly on the skin, twice a day. Keep the oil in a tightly closed bottle so as not to lose its properties.

Natural remedies for strawberry freckles

Strawberries gradually reduce dark spots on the skin. Since they are harder to apply than lemon juice or rosehip oil, we suggest two different ways you can use these delicious fruits:

  • Prepare a mask of crushed strawberries, apply it on the skin and leave it on for an hour. Use this mask once a week.
  • Freeze a few crushed strawberries in an ice cube tray and rub a cube on the skin. That way you always have them at hand.
Natural remedies for strawberry freckles

Aloe vera to treat acne

Aloe vera gel is an excellent solution for those who suffer from chronic acne and want to prevent and treat blemishes on the skin.

Aloe vera gel has therapeutic and moisturizing properties, being the ideal choice for people with sensitive skin. You can apply it locally twice a day.

Do not use any of the above remedies before exposing yourself to the sun!

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