Negative Thoughts – When The Storm Is In Your Mind

The wildest storms are not caused by climate, but by our minds. The situation itself does not matter as much as the way we interpret it.
Negative thoughts - when the storm is in your mind

Negative thoughts, dramatization and intensification of emotions produce storms and pessimistic scenarios that torment us.

For example, remember how you felt the last time you went through a breakup. Initially, the situation was a real ordeal. You had the impression that the world would collapse on you.

But now that so many years have passed since that breakup, what do you think about what happened? Most likely, you realize that the situation was not as gloomy as it seemed to you then and that you probably exaggerated a bit.

The reason is simple: the wildest storms are those that unfold in our minds.

The wild storms we try to avoid

Negative thoughts cause suffering and storms

Why is it so easy to spin in this vicious circle? Why do we allow ourselves to be influenced by negative thoughts and turn the mosquito into a stallion, when the only result is that we will suffer more?

The answer is simple. Most of us tend to amplify what is happening to us and torture ourselves.

At the same time, we tend to see only the negative side of life, whether it is about past, present or future situations.

This is because we sometimes lose control of ourselves and allow negative thoughts to invade our minds.

Our emotions are the main defendants, but it is also our fault because we fail to keep them under control.

Instead of taking a break and trying to clear our minds, the negative thoughts produced by our imagination are unleashed to unleash.

We must not let negative thoughts invade our lives

Let’s take the concrete example presented above. Imagine going through another parting again. Even now, negative thoughts about the reasons for the separation torture you.

You wonder if your ex-partner cheated on you, if your relationship was genuine or not, if the future will be just as bleak…

Your feelings in these moments are so numerous and intense that you are afraid to live without the partner you just broke up with. You can’t imagine what your life will be like in his absence.

But you must understand that sooner or later all these negative thoughts will disappear. Soon, the fears that grind you will become a mere memory.

Get rid of negative thoughts and open your eyes

Sometimes negative thoughts keep you from seeing reality

Our soul experiences prevent us from seeing reality as it is. In other words, negative thoughts, fears, doubts and misconceptions turn into a shadow that covers the world.

But as time goes on, we move away from the initial situation. Thus, we manage to change our point of view and we no longer feel agitated or sad.

Anger and anger can no longer touch us and we see everything more clearly.

That is exactly what we would have needed in that time of crisis. Unfortunately, we let our negative thoughts control us and we suffered.

However, despite the impressions we had under the influence of negativity, our lives did not end.

It is natural to end up exhausting yourself when you go through a difficult time. This is the role played by negative emotions and thoughts. If we do not accept them and do not allow them to dissipate, they are poisoning us.

The importance of monitoring your thoughts


It is not uncommon to worry about our thoughts. But when we keep them under control, we analyze them correctly and allow them to dissipate, we become more assertive and we find easier solutions to the chaos in front of us.

We invite you to try the following visualization exercise:

Imagine that the storm inside you is like a very messy room. If you do not clean properly, you will only move objects from one place to another. In the end, the chaos will simply intensify.

So what is the solution? Start by organizing everything, gradually. Put the objects where they belong.

It won’t be easy, but you may find that certain things are not where they should be. How about throwing them in the trash?

This simple visualization exercise allows you to order all those scary thoughts that go through your mind. As complicated as it may seem, this practice offers positive results.

Clear your mind, open your eyes and see the situation as it is, without your own additions. Don’t allow negative thoughts to cause a storm in your mind.

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