Paper Towels – 10 Alternative Uses

To keep the fries crispy and absorb the excess oil, place these dishes on a stack of a few paper towels.
Paper towels - 10 alternative uses

Unfortunately, although there are many alternative uses, many people are limited to using paper towels just to absorb spilled liquids or excess fat from food.

Paper towels are one of the most popular cleaning products today.  Millions of homes around the world are equipped with paper towels, which are a good alternative to the classic rags when it comes to wiping surfaces.

But, like many other household items, paper towels have some alternative uses that can make our daily lives easier. Don’t you want to discover some of these?

10 alternative uses for paper towels

1. Removal of corn silk

Paper towels are useful for removing corn silk

The small fibers that cover the corn cobs are not easy to remove, but a simple kitchen towel can be very helpful for this purpose. All you have to do is moisten the paper towel with water and use it to rub the corn cobs.

2. Protecting oil bottles

Oil bottles tend to get dirty after several uses. To avoid this inconvenience, wrap the oil bottle with a paper towel, which you can attach with a rubber band around its neck. By applying this trick, the oil will only accumulate on the towel area that covers the neck, and the rest of the bottle will remain clean.

3. Remove fat from soups

As alternative uses, paper towels are used to absorb grease

Chicken or beef soups often have a layer of fat on their surface. To remove this fat, simply cover a strainer with a paper towel and use it to strain the soup.

4. Prevention of rusting cast iron pots

Cast iron pots and pans tend to rust very easily if they are not properly protected. Before setting them aside, it is essential to dry these dishes very well. An additional protective measure is to put paper towels between them before putting them in the closet.

5. Drying vegetables

Most vegetables must be washed and disinfected before being stored or eaten. The problem is that they often remain covered in moisture after washing.

To dry vegetables quickly and completely, paper towels can be a real ally. Simply cover the inside of the container you want to use with two paper towels, then add the vegetables to dry.

6. Seed verification

Paper towels have alternative uses for seeds

Are you worried that your seeds might be too old to germinate? If you suspect that they have been stored too long, try the following trick:

  • Moisten two paper towels and place a few seeds between their strips so that they are well covered.
  • Put the paper towels in a warm place and moisten them from time to time. If the seeds do not germinate within two weeks, it means that you can throw them in the trash.

7. Maintaining the freshness of the bread

A trick to having fresh bread for longer is to put this food in the fridge. But if you want to get even better results, wrap the bread in paper towels to catch moisture. Thus, you will prevent the appearance of mold and you will prolong its life.

8. Moisture absorption from brown sugar

In general, as the temperature rises, brown sugar releases its natural moisture, turning into a stiff mass. To avoid this problem, put the brown sugar in a container with a lid, in which you have already put a paper towel. The sugar will immediately return to its original shape.

9. Remove fat from frying

Paper towels help absorb excess oil

One of the most important alternative uses of paper towels is their ability to absorb various substances. When it comes to fats and oils, this product is very useful to eliminate any excess.

If you want your toast to be crispy and not soaked in oil, cover a plate with a few paper towels. Let the fried dishes sit on them for a few minutes. In the end, the excess fat will be completely absorbed.

10. Extending the freshness of vegetables

Do the vegetables you buy tend to spoil very quickly? To prevent this problem, wrap them in a few paper towels before storing them in the refrigerator.

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