Premature Aging In Women – 5 Causes

Lack of proper hydration, an unhealthy diet, stress and worries are factors that can weaken the immune system and speed up the aging process.
Premature aging in women - 5 causes

Until now, science has been unable to find a “cure” to stop premature aging in women. Aging is a natural process that each of us must face with integrity, optimism and courage. But one thing is certain: our habits and lifestyle will have a significant impact on how quickly we age.

There are certain factors associated with premature aging in women, which we can avoid so as to slow down or even reduce the effects of this process. Do you want to know who they are? Read on and remember!

5 factors that cause premature aging in women

1. Poor nutrition

Foods that cause premature aging in women

We all know that diet has a direct impact on our health and the functioning of the body. Often, without realizing it, we adopt certain eating habits that, instead of benefiting us, hurt us and even favor premature aging.

Think only of the excessive amount of refined flour that many of us consume every day through bread or semi-prepared foods that often serve as a quick dinner.

We are in the habit of consuming all kinds of high-calorie foods that, in addition to being deposited in the form of fat, will increase our cholesterol levels and will not provide us with the necessary nutrients for our skin. So what foods should be eliminated from our daily diet to avoid premature aging in women?

  • Sweets: do not forget, in excess the sweets destroy the collagen of the skin.
  • Alcoholic beverages: consumed in excess, alcohol attacks the liver, which means that the body becomes unable to eliminate toxins accumulated in it. These toxins can speed up the aging process, which is why we advise you to drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Salty foods: we love snacks, chips and maybe even dehydrated fruits. But these high-salt foods are very harmful to health. Do not forget, among other things, salt promotes the appearance of cellulite.
  • Processed meat: dishes such as hot dogs or burgers contain sulphites, an element that accelerates aging.
  • Red meat: is rich in free radicals, which can attack the skin’s collagen, thus causing premature aging.
  • Sugar and carbonated drinks: they are dangerous enemies of our health and beauty.
  • All foods rich in “trans” fats: trans fatty acids cause inflammation and water retention, increase vulnerability to aging caused by sun exposure and can cause various heart problems. Avoid them!

2. Care, stress and premature aging

Worries cause premature aging in women

Women are much more susceptible to stress than men. We suffer more for longer periods of time. However, men face this problem in a less appropriate way, which is why they have a higher risk of dying from a stress-related illness.

As you will see below, all the negative emotions that we do not face properly can cause not only psychosomatic illnesses, but also premature stress-based aging. Here’s why:

  • A stressful situation that lasts for months or even years will cause serious changes in our body. Cortisol speeds up the heartbeat, causes injuries such as arteriosclerosis and can affect brain health.
  • In addition to cortisol, stress can also stimulate the secretion of epinephrine, also called adrenaline, a hormone that causes cellular oxidation, prevents the synthesis of nutrients and causes the accumulation of lipids in the blood.
  • Stress causes damage to the immune system and, as a result, premature aging can be accelerated. As much as possible, try to control your emotions.

3. Low intake of antioxidants

Fresh lemon juice

In general, we do not pay too much attention to the daily intake of antioxidants. However, if we do not get these nutrients in sufficient quantities, we are exposed to the harmful effects of free radicals that, among other things, can affect the skin. Do not hesitate to eat the following foods rich in antioxidants every day to prevent premature aging in women:

  • Lemon juice (on an empty stomach)
  • Kiwi
  • Strawberries
  • Mango
  • Melon
  • Oranges
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Carrot
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage fodder
  • Tomatoes
  • Papaya
  • Pumpkin
  • A cup of green or white tea
  • 2 servings of oily fish per week

4. The harmful effects of the sun accelerate premature aging


Sun exposure is essential to maintaining our health. Sunlight allows us to synthesize certain nutrients (such as vitamin D) and can help us improve our mood. But we must be careful when and how we expose ourselves to the sun because its light becomes harmful in the middle of the day. We advise you to use a quality sunscreen, including as a base for makeup.

If you also like to sunbathe in the summer, keep in mind that sun exposure without following the above indications is one of the main causes of premature aging in women. Take care of yourself!

5. Calcium deficiency

Dairy products that prevent premature aging in women

As we age, it is necessary to increase our daily calcium intake. Why? One of the problems that any woman faces at some point is bone loss or even osteoporosis — problems that will eventually affect our lives.

If we do not supply our body with the necessary level of calcium in time, premature aging could even affect our bones. Therefore, it is essential to eat the following foods daily to improve our bone health:

  • Natural yogurt without sugar
  • 1 glass of milk (only if you do not suffer from lactose intolerance and can digest this substance properly; otherwise, opt for almond milk or milk prepared from any other dried fruit)
  • 1 serving of tofu (serve with salad)
  • 3 nuts and 3 almonds

If your mother or any other relative suffers from osteoporosis, talk to your doctor to determine what dietary supplements you can take to meet your daily calcium needs. Take precautions as soon as possible!

To avoid premature aging in women, confidently use the tips I have presented in this article. Start protecting yourself right now!

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