Retinal Detachment: Surgery

The retinal detachment surgery has low risks, although it requires a few weeks of care to avoid complications. Today’s article will describe the procedure in detail.
Retinal detachment: surgery

Surgery to remove the retina involves inserting silicone material to return this tissue to its original state.

There are other alternatives, although this is one of the most used by ophthalmologists. Below you will find the most important details regarding this surgery. Read more!

Why does retinal detachment occur?

This structure has the appearance of a thin layer located at the back of the eye, but is very complex from a microscopic point of view. Due to the retina we can clearly see the images, which is why any damage leaves permanent sequelae.

There are many mechanisms involved in retinal detachment and there is an accumulation of fluid (called vitreous humor) behind the structure. This leads to the gradual loss of blood supply and the subsequent death of the tissue.

Detachment can occur spontaneously in some people with risk factors. According to an article published by Mayo Clinic, the most important risk factors are:

A person who measures their blood sugar
Diabetes alters circulation in the small vessels and can affect the retinal arteries.

How does the surgery take place?

According to an article published by Texas Retina Associates, the operation involves inserting a silicone band or sponge near the sclera. The last structure is the visible white part of the eye around the iris.

This causes a slight increase in pressure and movement of the intraocular structures to bring the retina back to its original place. The procedure requires several incisions on the outer surface of the eye to insert the material.

Your doctor may perform some additional techniques to prevent the disease from recurring. The most commonly used are laser photocoagulation and cryopexy. In both cases, the scar tissue seals the ruptures in the injured tissues.

Preliminary training

What is the procedure?

  • Catching

What are the risks of surgery?

Operation that repairs retinal detachment
The operation has some risks because it involves the eyeball. We must be careful of the warning signs.

Surgery is an effective option in case of emergency

Retinal detachment is a medical emergency that can cause permanent blindness. Consult an ophthalmologist as soon as possible if you notice the symptoms mentioned above.

There are other effective procedures, such as pars plana vitrectomy, but the operation presented above remains the first choice for many specialists.

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