Rusty Kitchen Utensils – 3 Remedies

Tired of finding rust on your kitchen utensils and sink? Has your favorite pan started to rust? Make your kitchen utensils look like new with the following 3 natural cleaning products!
Rusty kitchen utensils - 3 remedies

Rust is one of the biggest enemies of living surfaces and kitchen utensils. The passage of time, exposure to air and moisture or contact with various chemicals can destroy the original beauty of certain objects and kitchen utensils.

You certainly don’t want to throw rusty kitchen utensils in the trash, or use large amounts of chemicals, do you? If your answer to this question is “yes”, do not hesitate to try the following 3 natural tricks to remove rust.

First of all, in order to prevent the appearance of rust, it is best to take proper care of the kitchen utensils every day. Wash and dry pots, pans and silverware and clean the sink daily. This habit will undoubtedly help you to keep those items in perfect condition at all times.

But we all have a favorite pan, on the bottom of which a little rust has formed. To resolve this issue, follow the tips below. We are sure you will find them useful!

1. Trick with sponge dishes and baking soda

Use baking soda for rusty kitchen utensils

You can buy kitchen sponges from any supermarket. Buy a whole set because this accessory is very useful. For the following remedy to work, you will need an incredible main ingredient: baking soda.


  • A few kitchen sponges
  • Baking soda (the amount depends on the surface you want to clean)


  • Start by heating some water on the stove.
  • Then pour the hot water into a container together with the baking soda. Just add enough water to get a paste. The amount of paste you will need will depend on the area covered.
  • Apply baking soda paste on the dish sponge and use it to clean rust-covered surfaces.
  • Remember, if you do not rub the kitchen utensils carefully, you risk scratching them. After you have cleaned them well, set them aside for 5 minutes.
  • As soon as the indicated time has elapsed, rinse the kitchen utensils with water.

The next step is very important. By following it, you will make sure that the rusty pot, pan or knife can be used again.

  • Dry the targeted kitchen utensils well with a paper towel, then grease them with a little olive oil. Cover them and store them in their usual place.

The results obtained will surprise you!

2. Trick with coarse salt and lemon

Use coarse salt and lemon for rusty kitchen utensils

The next trick is simple, fast and, last but not least, cheap! Although kitchen utensils can usually be covered with rust, the sink can also present this problem. It could be a single corner of the sink, but even a simple rust stain destroys the aesthetic appearance of any object.

The appearance of rust is a common problem. Due to the passage of time or wear, the surfaces gradually lose their shine. Rust is deposited especially on taps or in corners where moisture accumulates.

To keep your kitchen bright, we advise you to try the following natural cleaning product.


  • Coarse salt (the amount depends on the size of the target area)
  • ½ lemon


Cut a lemon in half, then apply a little coarse salt on one of the halves. Basically, you will use lemon halves like a dish sponge.

  • Rub all the rusty objects you want to clean with the help of the two ingredients mentioned. If the coarse salt goes away, add another teaspoon of this product.
  • Gradually, you will notice that the rust is starting to go away. Let the objects sit for 5 minutes, then rinse them.
  • Last but not least, do the same as in the previous remedy: dry the objects well with a paper towel and apply a thin layer of olive oil.
  • If you clean the sink, dry it with a paper towel. Thus, it will shine almost instantly.

3. Trick to repair completely rusty kitchen utensils

Trick to repair rusty kitchen utensils

The following trick is useful if you want to repair an old kitchen utensil. It could be an object that has been in your family for a long time or simply a completely rusty kitchen utensil.

Is it possible to repair these old and rusty objects? Yes, as long as you follow the steps below.


  • Aluminum foil (the number will depend on the surfaces or utensils you want to clean)
  • The juice of a lemon
  • White vinegar (like aluminum foil, the amount will depend on the surfaces or utensils covered)


  • First, try to remove as much rust as you can.
  • Cut an aluminum foil into strips 2.54 cm (1 inch) wide. Roll these strips to form “balls”, then soak them in lemon juice.
  • Then use the balls to rub the kitchen utensils or surfaces.
  • After you have managed to remove a large part of the rust, it is time to prepare for the second phase of the remedy.
  • This step involves placing the target kitchen utensils in a bucket and pouring white vinegar over them.
  • Let them stay overnight.
  • The next morning, apply the first remedy presented in this article (the one with the dish sponge and baking soda).

You can try these 3 tricks with confidence. With their help, kitchen utensils and surfaces will look like us in a short time!

However, it is possible that very old kitchen utensils will never look like new. In this case you will have to resort to more aggressive chemicals, such as hydrochloric acid.

To prevent the accumulation of rust, clean your kitchen utensils every day!

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