Text Neck Syndrome: Prevention Methods

Text Neck syndrome is manifested by a set of symptoms directly related to the use of smartphones. Cervical pain is the main sign. Read on to find out more about this health issue.
Text Neck Syndrome: Methods of Prevention

Text Neck Syndrome is also known as broken neck syndrome, among other terms. A common cause of this throat condition is the use of mobile phones. The disease has become more common due to the prevalence of the use of smartphones and other electronic devices.

This syndrome is manifested by a series of painful symptoms in the throat. The pain usually begins in the cervical region and extends to the shoulders and back. There may be a headache. Even though the main problem is pain, we have been receiving medical warnings for some time about other disorders caused by these devices. These include problems arising from exposure to screen lights and joint damage caused by repetitive movements.

Young people are most often affected by Text Neck syndrome, because this demographic uses mobile devices for longer periods of time. However, given that there are approximately three billion mobile phone users in the world, the population that is susceptible to this condition is huge.

Text Neck syndrome is a recognized condition, even though it is not yet part of the international classification of diseases. We could say that it is a form of neck pain or dizziness syndrome. However, in this particular case, the neck pain occurs due to the position of the head.

Text Neck Syndrome: Causes

The basic issue here is the position of the head, which is directly related to the use of mobile phones. However, what really causes the pain is an abnormal tilt of the head for long periods of time.

When the head is straight or in a normal neutral position, the weight it exerts on the spine is about 9-10 kilograms. That’s what the skulls usually weigh. When we tilt our head forward, the weight that the neck has to support increases. A simple shift to a 45-degree angle significantly increases weight.

Woman typing on the phone
Excessive use of mobile devices is one of the main causes of Text Neck syndrome.

So the problem becomes a habit and it gets worse. The more you use your mobile phone, the higher the angle at which you lean to write and read. It happens gradually and many barely notice the appearance of the problem.

But what about computers?

Mobile phones cause a higher head tilt than computers. The researchers also found that there is a lower lateralization of the head and a lower height of the shoulders when a person uses a computer.

Ergonomists (people who study posture and how it affects human health) use a scale to assess risk. It is called the RULA scale, and the daily use of the mobile phone has a score of 6, which is a very high risk.

What is the ideal position for using a smartphone?

Person affected by Text Neck syndrome
Cervical pain can also occur when you spend a lot of time in front of the computer in an inappropriate posture.

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