The Best Anticancer Diet

In addition to following an anti-cancer diet rich in fresh foods, it is essential to adopt healthy habits and avoid sedentary lifestyles, alcohol and tobacco. Read on to find out more!
The best anti-cancer diet

More and more people are suffering from cancer. This phenomenon is probably due to modern lifestyles. Last but not least, we must also consider our diet. To give you a helping hand, we want to introduce you to a wonderful anti-cancer diet. Do not hesitate to eat the following beneficial foods as often as possible.

An anti-cancer diet – eat well to maintain your health!

Foods recommended in an anti-cancer diet

There are several steps you can take to ensure that you are on a healthy diet. Many of these even help prevent cancer.

You can, for example, base your diet on fresh, locally grown and seasonal products. As much as possible, the food you eat should be organic.

  • Meaty fruits and raw vegetables, dried fruits and whole grains are essential.
  • He also eats legumes, herbs, spices and olive oil.
  • Eggs and fish should not be missing from your daily diet either.

Another important measure you can take is to avoid refined products (sugar and flour). Reduce your intake of soft drinks, sausages and fried foods, then try to eat less meat of any kind, dairy products and sausages.

The Mediterranean diet can be very helpful in preventing cancer. This diet involves the consumption of very healthy products. At the same time, the dishes you will have to cook often include olive oil (the best assortment is the cold-pressed extra virgin).

An anti-cancer diet ensures your well-being

Any anti-cancer diet should be supplemented by a number of healthy habits. Certain routines increase your risk of cancer or other diseases, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and kidney problems.

Harmful habits that increase your risk of getting sick are smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and lack of exercise. Sedentary lifestyle is also a serious problem in developed countries — that is, in those regions where cancer is most prevalent.

Remember, you come in contact with various anticancer substances all the time. These include environmental pollutants, certain types of plastic, Teflon and benzopyrene in tobacco.

10 foods that should not be missing from any anti-cancer diet

There is no trick or remedy that will reduce your risk of cancer altogether. This disease can be caused by several factors that we cannot control, such as genetic inheritance.

However, you can reduce your risk of developing cancer if you set aside at least 30 minutes a day to exercise. Avoiding stress and sedentary lifestyle are other useful measures you can take. We advise you to adopt an anti-cancer diet that includes the following foods:


An anti-cancer diet includes broccoli

Like all cruciferous vegetables (including cabbage and Brussels sprouts), broccoli has an anticancer effect. To reduce your risk of developing breast, colon, lung, bladder or prostate cancer, eat broccoli with confidence.


The strong characteristic smell of this plant should not be missing from your home. It is the result of two strong anticancer components and has an antiseptic effect.

To get the most out of garlic, eat it raw for breakfast. Onions, leeks and green onions are part of the same “family” of superfoods. If you want to follow an anti-cancer diet, consume them frequently!

Green tea

An anticancer diet includes green tea

This drink contains a powerful antioxidant called EGCG, with the ability to prevent genetic degradation and inhibit tumor growth.

Drink green tea instead of coffee and black tea, which has no disadvantages. Green tea provides protection against three types of cancer: colon, bladder and stomach.

Oily fish

Men over the age of 30 should increase their intake of oily fish (salmon, mackerel, tuna and more). Their anti-inflammatory properties reduce the risk of prostate cancer. An anti-cancer diet will not work if it does not include oily fish.

Natural yogurt

This type of yogurt (also known as Greek yogurt) contains probiotics, which protect intestinal health and stimulate the immune system.

Consumption of a container of natural yogurt provides the body with a number of essential components, which help prevent certain cancers (including colon cancer).

Whole grains

An anti-cancer diet includes seeds

Unlike refined cereals, whole grains are ideal if you want to avoid breast or colon cancer. Oats, bran and granola are very healthy options that should be included in any anti-cancer diet.

Carrots and oranges

Both carrots and oranges are foods rich in vitamin C. Their most important benefit is their high beta-carotene content. Beta-carotene is an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals, molecules that can cause, among other things, lung cancer.

An anticancer diet should include carrots and raw oranges. You can also use these ingredients to prepare juices and smoothies for breakfast.


And tomatoes fall into the category of foods that can eliminate free radicals from the human body. Men who tend to eat tomatoes regularly have a low risk of prostate cancer.

Despite preconceptions, it is better to eat cooked tomatoes than raw tomatoes. When raw, the nutrients in their composition are not active.

Flax seeds

An anti-cancer diet includes whole grains

These small seeds contain a type of plant estrogen called lignans, with the ability to alter the metabolism of natural hormones and reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. Flax seeds also contain omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, which slow down the development of colon cancer.


To get the most out of the benefits of tofu, make sure this food is made from organic soybeans. Tofu isoflavones inhibit the action of estrogen and reduce the frequency of cancers associated with this hormone (breast, ovarian and prostate).

An anti-cancer diet may include other soy products. These products must not have been over-processed.

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