The Best Seeds For Treating Migraines

In addition to eating seeds that relieve migraines, such as sesame seeds, it is very important to avoid foods that cause these pains, such as fast food products.
The best seeds for treating migraines

We already know that a proper diet can reduce the number of migraines we suffer from. Eating healthy foods always improves your health. Find out in the article below which are the best seeds for treating migraines!

1. Migraines and diet

Seeds for migraine treatment and nutrition

One of the scientifically proven causes of migraines is the way our body reacts to certain substances in the food we eat. Moreover, stress and even genetic inheritance can lead to the appearance of this condition.

When it comes to food, there are foods that act as real toxins (antigens) that cause vasodilators to stick together, causing inflammation of the arteries in the brain. This is the cause of migraines.

However, even when you are taking medication and paying attention to your eating, it is still possible to suffer from migraines from time to time. There are several factors that lead to their occurrence. Stress, menstruation, skipping breakfast, restless sleep or even physical exertion can cause unpleasant pain.

Ideally, you should write down your body’s reactions in various situations so that you can control them in the future. Sometimes even a stronger scent can cause a migraine, so it is good to take into account all these factors. Here are the foods you should avoid at all costs:

  • The so-called biogenic amines: amines (histamines, tyramines) are elements present in many foods such as cheese, chocolate, wine, beer and canned fish.
  • Food Additives : Do You Know What Monosodium Glutamate Is? It is known as the “fifth taste”, but in reality it is an artificial compound added to many foods as a taste enhancer. Tomatoes and parmesan naturally contain monosodium glutamate.
  • Other more or less healthy foods to keep in mind : canned tuna, sardines, anchovies, sausages, liver, red meat, sauerkraut, soy, eggplant, tomatoes, red wine, beer, brewer’s yeast and very fruits ripe.

2. The benefits of seeds in the treatment of migraines

Sunflower seeds

Seeds for treating migraines and their benefits

These seeds are excellent for treating migraines. Remember that you only need to eat unsalted seeds. It is recommended to eat a handful of sunflower seeds or two tablespoons daily. Want to know what the benefits of these seeds are?

  • Vitamin E. The content of antioxidants helps the body to protect itself from toxins and harmful elements that cause internal inflammation. It cleanses the body, protects the immune system and makes cellular fibers more elastic, preventing the contraction of cranial nerves.
  • Fatty acids. They are an excellent source of energy that helps fight migraines. Fatty acids are essential in the formation of hormones that the body needs to maintain its strength, while preventing the rise in cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • Magnesium. You probably already know how beneficial magnesium is in preventing migraines: it improves muscle and nerve tone, stimulating the transmission of nerve impulses and relaxing muscles. In addition, it maintains healthy bones and strengthens the cardiovascular system, helping to prevent inflammation of the cranial nerves. It’s incredibly good!

Flax seeds for the treatment of migraines

Flax and seeds for the treatment of migraines

Flax seeds are excellent in weight loss, lower cholesterol and control blood sugar. But did you know that they are also good for treating migraines? Try adding them to salads and you will see how good you will feel. Consume about two tablespoons a day.

  • They are rich in fatty acids : as mentioned above, omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids relieve migraines. Flax seeds contain polyunsaturated omega 3 fatty acids (75%) and omega 6 (25%).
  • Vitamin E : these seeds are an excellent source of vitamin E, which is very beneficial for our health and to prevent migraines.
  • Minerals that help treat migraines : magnesium, calcium, potassium, manganese, silicon.
  • They are rich in enzymes that facilitate digestion.

Chia seeds for the treatment of migraines

Seeds for the treatment of migraines and chia

Chia seeds are superfoods. They are consumed by many athletes, as well as by people who need nutritional supplements or want to lose weight. Here are their benefits:

  • Natural source of minerals : they have a high content of calcium, magnesium and zinc, three well-trained soldiers to fight migraines. It provides the nutrients needed to keep your body healthy.
  • Natural source of omega 3 fatty acids: chia seeds also contain these elements that are absolutely necessary to prevent migraines. These fats contribute to heart health and control cholesterol levels, which is why it is recommended to include them in your diet.

Sesame seeds for the treatment of migraines

Susan and seeds for the treatment of migraines

Have you tried eating sesame seeds? They are very tasty and can be added to many homemade dishes, desserts and breads. You can also consume them separately, the recommended amount being two tablespoons a day. But how do these foods help fight migraines?

  • High levels of magnesium : The rich content of magnesium in sesame seeds helps prevent spasms in the blood vessels, which are responsible for the appearance of migraines.

In conclusion, you can choose to eat a different type of seed every day to supplement your current diet. Two tablespoons eaten daily will work wonders for your health.

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