The Effects Of Emotional Abuse On Health

Emotional abuse is a type of abuse and aggression. In addition, it can have very serious consequences on the personality of the aggressed individual: from depression to suicidal thoughts. For this reason, this type of abuse should be reported in the same way as physical abuse.
The effects of emotional abuse on health

Perhaps, at first glance, the effects of emotional abuse are not as obvious as those of physical abuse. But its consequences exist and last as long or even longer than those of physical violence. However, it is difficult for many people to classify it as a form of abuse, ill-treatment or violence.

Emotional abuse

So, like physical abuse, emotional abuse is a type of violence and abuse. It is the aggression towards another person, generally verbal, in which the aggressor uses unpleasant expressions to try to humiliate or degrade the victim.

In addition, because it is not as easy to see, it takes a long time, and the victim ends up having a very low self-esteem and a bad self-image, which can lead her to believe that the abuser is telling the truth.

Psychological abuse has no preferences. In reality, it can happen to children, teenagers, adults or the elderly. Likewise, there is no specific environment in which it happens, which means that it could happen in a family, among friends, in a relationship, at work, etc.

We should keep in mind that there may be witnesses to this type of abuse. For example, children may witness incidents at home or co-workers may see a boss denigrating an employee in a humiliating way. This can also affect the emotional health of witnesses.

The effects of emotional abuse

The effects of emotional abuse on young people
The aggressor always tries to undermine the self-esteem of his victim, creating emotional dependence in the relationship.

Low self-esteem can be one of the causes of emotional abuse, but also one of the consequences. That is, low self-esteem can be a factor that motivates the abuser to start abuse. At the same time, through abuse, the victim’s self-esteem will decrease.

In fact, the victim’s weakness is one of the things that attracts the aggressors, who will hit right where it hurts. The aggressor will constantly repeat that the victim is worthless, humiliating and degrading her. At the same time, the victim will begin to believe the lies, strengthening the addictive relationship.

The effects of emotional abuse: other equally serious issues

Person who rejects abuse
You should always report any type of abuse and pay attention to the possible effects on the victim.

For all these reasons, emotional abuse should be considered as harmful as physical abuse. It is important to set boundaries and distance yourself from abusive people or relationships, reporting the situation as soon as possible.

In the case of children and adolescents, they depend on parents or legal guardians to observe the signs of emotional abuse and prevent more serious consequences.

So, if physical abuse should be reported, the same should happen in the case of emotional abuse. After that, the victim should begin a process of therapy and recovery to help her regain her self-esteem and self-confidence.

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