Top 5 Memory Exercises

The following exercises will help you better consolidate ideas and increase your level of concentration. This way, you will be able to keep your brain young for longer.
Top 5 memory exercises

Although we often train our body, we rarely remember that we have various memory exercises that are worth trying. If you want to improve your ability to concentrate or better consolidate new concepts, you need to discover new ways to “train” your mind.

By practicing memory exercises, you will have a more active mind. The problem is that as time goes on, we tend to stop learning or gaining new knowledge. In other words, we no longer challenge our memory.

For this reason, in today’s article we present you the best 5 memory exercises. With their help, you will have a young and agile mind for longer. Read on and remember!

1. Daily retrospectives

Do you remember the days when an exam was approaching and you had to “blush” before bed? Well, find out that this activity was an excellent memory exercise. In time, however, we finish our studies and we have nothing to review.

The next exercise we suggest you does not involve learning something new. In the evening, simply take a look back at everything you did during the day. It is enough to review, for example, everything that happened to you or the menu of that day.

Woman trying various memory exercises

A good way to make sure you exercise this exercise regularly is to keep a journal. Although at first glance it does not seem to be a useful action, daily retrospectives will improve your memory.

2. Drawing some mental maps

How good is your spatial memory? Many people have difficulty remembering where certain places are or how they can get there. If you also encounter such problems, drawing mental maps is an excellent exercise to improve your spatial memory.

Here’s what to do: Every time you visit a new place, draw a map of it as soon as you return home. Thus, you will improve not only your spatial memory, but also your visual one. Doesn’t that sound incredible?

3. Using the non-dominant hand

Are you right-handed or left-handed? Among the most fun exercises for memory is the performance of daily activities with a non-dominant hand. For example, if you are right-handed, try writing or brushing your teeth with your left hand.

Of course, at first it will seem very difficult. But it is natural. You will need to make some effort to be able to use the hand, which is normally somewhat inactive. But the results will be positive. You will solicit your mind and train it.

4. Changing the routine, on the list of memory exercises worth practicing

As ridiculous as it may seem, changing your daily routine involves using memory. Instead of taking the elevator, go up the stairs. Instead of going the usual way when you go to work, change the route.

This trick will improve your attention and keep your mind more alert. Obviously, it is very beneficial to face new things. If our routine is too rigid, we tend to forget about the world around us.

People practicing memory exercises

If you choose, for example, to take a new route to get to work, you will make an extra effort to make sure you are going in the right direction. Then, when you get home, you can draw a mind map. By combining these two memory exercises, your mind will gain.

5. Learning something new every day

The last exercise we propose to you does not involve enrolling in a special course. In everyday life, you will have many opportunities to learn something new.

You can try to memorize a new phone number or that address of a friend that you never manage to remember. All these activities involve learning and will help you a lot.

Have you ever tried the five memory exercises presented in this article? Which of them did you find most useful? There are many other such activities that you can include in your routine, including Sudoku or various mobile phone applications that keep your mind agile.

Brain training is always recommended, whether you forget it or not. Exercises, whether physical or mental, will do you good. Why don’t you start today?

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