Treat Yourself With 10 Natural Decongestants

Nasal and chest congestion may cause difficulty breathing. Whether you have a cold or an allergy, you should seek decongestant treatment to clear your airways. 
Treat yourself with 10 natural decongestants

We have found the solution to your respiratory problems10 natural decongestants that we will present to you in this article.

We don’t know how you do when you have a stuffy nose and a congested chest, but we can’t rest well at all.

We feel that we are suffocating and no medicine is useful to us. All they do is dry our mucous membranes. But now we have good news. No more bad nights when you have a cold or an allergy.

Respiratory tract

The respiratory system is made up of the nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. The latter are particularly responsible for the exchange of gases and for the elimination of toxic and pathogenic substances inhaled together with the ambient air . The diaphragm is the transverse muscle that separates the abdominal cavity from the thoracic one, allowing the latter to expand and increase the capacity of the lungs.

Unfortunately, breathing is subject to dangers that we did not suspect before, such as obstruction of the organs of the respiratory tract or intoxication of the body with various solid particles inhaled with the air.

Larger particles are stopped by the hair and mucus in the nose and airways, but sometimes the hair movement is not strong enough to eliminate them, so that congestion occurs, caused by the accumulation of secretions. This congestion creates difficulty breathing, suffocation and even more serious problems such as respiratory failure.

Decongestion of the respiratory tract can be achieved by various methods, from treatments with ephedrine-based drugs to therapies to remove secretions. We prefer to use a number of natural decongestants , which we will talk about next…

Top 10 natural decongestants

Here are some natural remedies that have decongestant effects. Choose the one that suits you and check its effect.

1. Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is an excellent decongestant. Boil the water until it starts to steam. Take it off the heat and put a handful of eucalyptus leaves. You will feel the effect after inhaling for 10 minutes. To sleep like a baby, put eucalyptus leaves in your pillow, so that when you put your head on it you can breathe the fragrant air. You will see how your airways will decongest. Change the leaves the next day. This remedy can also relieve asthma.

2. The pine

Pine needles and cones have an antiseptic and calming effect. Boil a handful of buds and pine needles in 5 liters of water for 5 minutes. Put the scented water in a bowl and inhale for 10 minutes.

3. Bark and pomace brandy

This remedy is very effective for decongesting the respiratory tract. You need 2 cups of oak, sessile oak and pine bark. Put 5 liters of pomace over low heat, add the rind and simmer for another 10 minutes. Take it off the heat and add a tip d. Let it cool and strain it. Drink 2 teaspoons of warm milk before going to bed and 2 before breakfast. You will see that the natural and decongestant effects  of the respiratory tract will not be long in coming.

4. Mint

decongestant mint

Having antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, mint is very good for reducing congestion. All you have to do to check this is to infuse two teaspoons of mint in a cup of hot water for a few minutes. Drink two or three cups of this infusion every day or, if you want, put 3 drops in each nostril.

5. Lemon

There is nothing better than warm lemon juice to relieve the symptoms of the flu, inflammation of the throat and tonsils or other respiratory tract problems. You can also  gargle with it, every 2 hours, mixed with half a glass of lukewarm water, or you can drink a  warm lemonade .

6. Aloe vera

Aloe juice

To be able to breathe well at night, put a few drops of aloe vera gel in your nose. You will immediately feel the effect.

7. Combined remedies

Combined remedies not only reduce congestion, but also treat colds. Heat a cup of almond oil with half a teaspoon of peppermint oil. Use this mixture to massage your back  and chest. For best results, it is advisable to then get dressed and drink a hot mint tea.

8. Onions


There is a Chinese onion-based method to eliminate congestion in the blink of an eye: cut and saute 5 large onions. Cover them with oil and bake for half an hour. Then put them in a textile bag, apply olive oil to your chest and apply the poultice for 30 minutes. Cover the area with a towel to warm it up.

9. Garlic, for long lasting effect

Among the natural foods with decongestant effects is garlic. To decongest the chest in the long run you need to eat 3 cloves of garlic 3 times a day for a week. This treatment is very good for a stuffy nose.

10. Ice

Melted ghetto

Yes. It sounds absurd, but it has an incredible and fast effect. Put several bags of ice cubes in the bathtub and dip your toes until they freeze. And you will see the effect.


For prevention

We hope you found this article helpful. Finally, here are some tips to help prevent respiratory congestion :

  • Do not smoke: Toxic substances that are released during cigarette burning not only affect the skin and mouth, but also cause fluid accumulation in the lungs and force the immune system, which leads to many diseases.
  • Avoid secondhand smoke: Stay away from cigarettes and smoke. Remember that smoke deeply affects your health, even if you do not inhale it directly.
  • Avoid sudden changes in temperature: Dress in the evening and when it rains. Don’t sit in front of the fans when you do sports. Protect your  lungs.
  • Avoid chemicals that cause allergies.
  • Make preventive vaccines:  It is especially important for children and the elderly.

Take care of your health and your respiratory system.

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