Treating Acne With Green Tea: Myth Or Truth?

Green tea is a natural astringent that offers excellent results in treating acne. Do you know how to use it for this purpose? Read on and remember!
Treating Acne with Green Tea: Myth or Truth?

Is treating acne with green tea just a myth or does it really work?

Acne is not a serious health problem – at least not physically. But this can have a major impact on patients’ self-esteem.

Acne can usually be treated with natural remedies, some of which have green tea as an active ingredient. If the problem becomes resistant to natural solutions, you will need to consult a specialist. Acne most often affects teenagers, but can occur at any age.

Women are more prone to acne, but its forms are more severe in men. About 5% of women will continue to have acne by the age of 40. Doctors only consider it to be a serious problem if it occurs suddenly in older adults.

What is acne?

Woman with pimples on her face
Acne has become one of the most common skin problems. This occurs when the pores become clogged with sebum and dead cells.

This skin disease affects the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. You may not know this, but your skin has tiny holes called pores. The pores are connected to the sebaceous glands through the follicles.

The sebaceous glands produce sebum, a fatty substance. Sebum transports dead skin cells to the surface through follicles. When the hairs grow through the follicles and, together with the dead cells, clog the pores, pimples form.

Basically, the combination of dead cells, sebum and hair causes the accumulation of bacteria, causing inflammation. As soon as these “plugs” begin to clog pores, the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders can be affected by acne.

Factors that influence acne

Some people are more prone to acne than others. Factors that increase the risk of suffering from this problem include age, family history, hormonal changes, direct contact with fatty substances, continuous friction (for example, when we keep our mobile phone close to our face) and stress.

At the same time, acne can be aggravated by various factors, such as:

  • Certain medicines: This category includes those containing corticosteroids, lithium or testosterone.
  • Diet: According to studies, the foods most commonly associated with acne are sources of carbohydrates, chocolate and skim milk. Instead, it seems that high-fat foods do not increase the risk of acne.
  • Hormonal changes: May occur before or during menstruation, during pregnancy or because of birth control pills.
  • Stress: Although it may not lead to acne on its own, stress can make it worse.

There is a myth that acne is a consequence of poor hygiene. But washing the skin with excessive force or strong soaps can aggravate the problem. Even the use of cosmetics can not cause acne on its own. It all depends on the type of skin you have.

Instructions for treating acne with green tea

Dried leaves for treating acne with green tea
Green tea is a natural ingredient that can prevent acne. Whether we consume it or apply it topically, it helps regulate sebum production.

Green tea is a natural astringent that provides good results in treating acne. In addition, it is an excellent antioxidant.

Drinking green tea inhibits the development of acne and reduces the sebum production of the skin. This drink can moderate insulin levels and blood sugar. Of course, moderation is essential: one cup a day is enough.

Green tea can also be used topically. Simply apply a compress with green tea extract on the targeted region. This will eliminate the accumulated bacteria, reduce inflammation and prevent pimples.

Alternative solutions for treating acne with green tea

There are also more complicated remedies with green tea. In addition to being useful in treating acne, they can improve the overall appearance of the skin. In addition, it gives it freshness and firmness, preventing aging. The most effective green tea masks are:

  • Mask with green tea and honey: Mix a tablespoon of green tea and one tablespoon of honey to get a paste. Then apply it on the face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water and repeat the treatment twice a week.
  • Mask with green tea and aloe vera: You need two sachets of green tea, a tablespoon of aloe vera gel and a cup of water. All you have to do is prepare the green tea infusion and let it cool. Then mix it with the other ingredients and pour it into a spray bottle. Apply it on the face after the bath.

Have you ever tried to treat acne with remedies that contain green tea? As you can see, this ingredient is useful for this purpose, whether you consume it or apply it topically.

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