What Are The Causes Of Excessive Bloating?

If your abdomen is constantly bloated, it may be due to your eating habits. Drink more water and exercise to eliminate gas accumulated in the intestines. 
What are the causes of excessive bloating?

Ballooning is a problem for many people. No matter what you do, what physical exercises or what you eat, your abdomen remains swollen. The same thing can happen with legs. Find out the causes of excessive bloating!

In addition to the discomfort caused aesthetically, there is also the feeling of heaviness and discomfort that prevents you from enjoying daily activities. Want to know why you’re bloated all the time?  Find out the answer in the lines below.

Causes of excessive bloating

The abdomen is more prone to inflammation than any other part of the body. This problem affects a third of women and occurs at least once a week.

Although not serious, bloating can be very annoying, as it is usually accompanied by pain, bowel movements or constipation.

The causes of excessive bloating are:

Premenstrual syndrome

This is the most common cause of bloating. In the period before menstruation, the production of prostoglandins in the woman’s body decreases, which causes water retention and inflammation of the abdomen and breasts.


Bloating caused by gas blocked in the abdomen

Gases trapped in the abdomen cause bloating because they are looking for a way to be released. That’s why bloating gets worse after dinner. During digestion, gas accumulates in the abdomen and takes some time to find a way out.

Water retention

Standing or sitting in a chair for hours can be another cause of bloating, as it leads to the accumulation of fluid in this area of ​​the body.

Water retention goes hand in hand with sedentary lifestyle, poor circulation and excess salt and sugar. This can also happen because you do not exercise and do not drink enough water.

Food intolerances

The causes of bloating can be food intolerances

We often do not realize that a food intolerance is the cause of discomfort, bloating and even diarrhea that occurs after eating certain foods.

The most common is lactose intolerance (a carbohydrate in milk), which occurs when the body cannot produce a sufficient amount of an enzyme called lactase.

Hormonal disorders

Accumulation of fluid in the legs or lower abdomen can be the consequence of liver, kidney or heart disease. Taking certain medications can cause hormonal changes and weight gain.

Irritable bowel

Gases blocked in the intestines are another cause of bloating. Irritable bowel syndrome can cause several symptoms: abdominal pain, constipation, chronic or recurrent intestinal discomfort. The culprit is a change in the intestinal flora.

The fact that you eat too fast

Causes of bloating in young women

Sometimes we don’t realize that instead of eating, we eat food, almost without chewing.

This is a harmful habit for several reasons:

  • It will take almost half an hour for the brain to feel full.
  • You eat more than you need.
  • There is a greater chance of swallowing air, which gets trapped in the intestines and causes bloating.


Foods prepared in this way have a special place in the diet of many people. Unfortunately, fried foods slow down the process of digesting fat, which leads to bloating after meals.

Soft drinks

Bubbles balloon you. That’s pretty much the problem. Sour drinks lead to inflammation of the abdomen. Sugar-sweetened drinks are even more harmful because they make you fat.

Be careful, even mineral water can give the feeling of a swollen abdomen, even if it does not contain sugar.

Excessive or insufficient fiber intake

Lack of fiber is associated with constipation (and the bloating it causes), but you should not eat too much. Excessive fiber consumption is not recommended, as it can cause diarrhea and inflammation in the intestines.

Excessive consumption of refined flour

Causes of bloating that cause pain

Baked goodies, pizza or pasta (among other foods that are part of your daily diet) can weaken the digestive tract. This means that the stomach runs out of digestive enzymes before the process of digesting food is completed.

Thus, these foods are “stored” in the body and begin to decompose, causing gas, dyspepsia and bloating.

Tips to combat the causes of excessive bloating

Once you have identified the reason you are bloating, the next step is to change certain habits and take steps to prevent this discomfort.

Here are some helpful tips:

  • Reduce sodium intake.
  • Drink at least two liters of water a day. Replace fizzy drinks with natural juices.
  • Avoid taking laxatives, as they cause addiction and diarrhea.
  • Eat slowly and chew each sip several times.
  • Get rid of stress because it can cause water retention.
  • Avoid foods that cause gas, such as artichokes.
  • Consume natural yogurt to protect your intestinal flora.
  • Perform the necessary tests to detect possible food intolerances.
  • Replace “forbidden” foods with healthy alternatives (almond milk instead of cow’s milk, for example).
  • Consume a sufficient amount of fiber. Include more fruits and vegetables in your diet.
  • Move to eliminate gas from the body. Try to press lightly on the abdominal area to stimulate the elimination of blocked gases in the body.
  • Reduce the consumption of fried foods and unhealthy food. Prepare food in the oven, steamed or boiled.
  • Opt for whole grains over refined or processed foods, which are the causes of excessive bloating.

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