Why Don’t Your Diets Work?

Do you have a diet, but it has no effect? Find out why you can’t lose weight no matter what you eat!
Why do your diets not work?

Why do your diets not work? You may have tried almost all known diet plans, consulted a nutritionist, or done all sorts of exercises, but nothing yielded the results you wanted. You are probably wondering why you are losing so much weight and what you can do to solve this problem. Find out more in the rows below!

The cause of your problem may be genetic or you may have unhealthy eating habits. Even your hormones may be the reason your diets don’t work. It is time to find a solution so that you stop testing diets and exercise that do not work and cause you frustration, depression, anger, anxiety, etc.

Why do your diets not work?

If you can’t lose weight, even though you exercise regularly and eat normally, the first thing you need to do is see if you have a health problem. Evaluate your particular traits in order to better understand your metabolism, which can be another important reason that prevents diets from working. First, answer this short but conclusive questionnaire:

  • Do you find it difficult to lose weight even when you combine diets with regular exercise?
  • Are you taking any medications for thyroid gland, high blood pressure, antidepressants, insulin, steroids or anticonvulsants?
  • Have you frequently experienced sensitivity to cold or sudden changes in temperature, constipation, fatigue, dry or pale skin, memory loss, thinning hair, or difficulty concentrating?
Your diets do not work if you have a stomach
  • Do you have a waist size larger than 88 cm (for women) or 95 cm (for men)?
  • Do you suffer from high blood pressure, have high blood sugar or triglycerides above normal?
  • Do you have fat deposits on your hips and thighs?
  • Have you experienced mood swings, irregular menstruation, breast tenderness, hot flashes, excessive sweating or dryness in the genital area?

If you answered “yes” to at least two of these questions, you will certainly lose weight harder than others.

Why don’t you lose weight?

Some of the medications we mentioned above can contribute to weight gain or make it harder to lose weight, no matter how many calories you consume or burn. Consult your doctor for alternative treatment.

You should also consider a possible thyroid problem. Many people find that they have a problem with this gland when they see that their diets do not work or they lose weight too much and too fast.

If your thyroid is not working properly, you may suffer from cold intolerance, fatigue, constipation, thinning hair and memory problems. If you think this may be the cause of your problem or if there are people in your family with thyroid disorders, you can do the usual blood tests to assess thyroid function 

In your case, it may also be the metabolic syndrome, which affects the body’s ability to process blood sugar. The body produces and stores more fat.

Other causes

There are other issues you should consider. If you have a lot of fat on your abdomen and hips, your triglycerides may be too high. Also check your blood pressure. Genetics can have a major influence on all of these factors, so consult your doctor. Remember that improper diets, sedentary lifestyle, excessive smoking and alcohol consumption can aggravate the situation.

One of the above questions is addressed exclusively to women. This is because there is a problem with women that prevents them from losing weight easily. It’s about estrogen levels. If you take birth control or hormone replacement drugs, your body may produce more estrogen than normal, which leads to faster accumulation of fat on your hips and thighs.

Other symptoms you may have are mood swings, excessive sweating, vaginal dryness and tenderness in the breasts. For all this, consult a gynecologist. Also, look in the mirror. If you have an even type of construction – narrower at the torso and wider at the hips, this could be an indication that your estrogen level is higher than normal.

Girl in a skirt

For every problem, there is a solution

Once you’ve figured out why diets don’t work for you, it’s time to come up with an action plan.

For thyroid problems

In addition to the correct administration of medications (as prescribed by your doctor), you will need to reduce your caloric intake. Eat more foods high in fiber and iodine, avoid refined and processed foods, exercise and reduce your stress level.

For metabolic problems

Decrease the consumption of refined or processed foods, eat more fiber, do at least 30 minutes of exercise every day (Monday to Friday), quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption. Also, reduce your stress level and take your doctor’s medication. Periodically check your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, as well as triglycerides and blood sugar.

For estrogen problems

Consume more fiber. Choose soy products (preferably organic) instead of meat, take multivitamins every day, and do moderate exercise or cardio, including weights to tone your muscles at least twice a week.

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